Caring financial partner

Our History

BIMAS (Business Initiative Management Assistance Services) started as a Micro-enterprise development programme (MED-P) in 1992 under the auspices of PLAN Embu. It was aimed at providing training and credit to small enterprises in Gachoka Division.

The programme registered growth and this posed a challenge to PLAN due to institutional limitations and her heavy commitment to community development.To ensure continuity of the programme, PLAN Embu made a decision to spin-off the MED-P into a fully-fledged independent institution. This gave birth to Business Initiatives and Management Assistance Services (BIMAS) that was incorporated in October 1994 as a company limited by guarantee.

Through the years, BIMAS has had collaboration with other development partners, which include the Royal Danish Embassy (DANIDA), UNDP, Swiss contact, USAID FIRM, Stromme Microfinance, MESPT,WEF,KCB,OLDMUTUAL,ALTERFIN,BANK OF AFRICA among others who have given funds for capacity building and loans.

Our Vision

To be the financial partner of choice in Kenya and beyond.

Our Mission

To offer innovative financial and non financial services to economically productive population for sustainable wealth creation

Core Values

Caring, Innovation, Equity, Integrity